Workaround - "Required CD / DVD drive device driver is missing. Driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, you can insert it now. "
Windows 7 is installed on your PC, see "required CD / DVD drive device driver is missing. Driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, you can insert it now" if you see a message there. Especially if you install using the USB disk drive to occur, we have to think about some of the causes of it can be seen.
1.When you insert a USB port on the wrong
2.If you create a USB install Windows7 wrong.
1.When you insert a USB port on the wrong
This is usually when you use the front USB port is often a symptom. I do not know why, USB 3.0 port if you have a USB2.0 drive is inserted, and a second USB port on the front of the PC when there is the problem from the original.
In this case, therefore, not the front USB port on the back of the PC USB disk is inserted in the USB port can be addressed by.
2.If you create a USB install Windows7 wrong.
This is the same program as ultraISO USB disk to install windows7 Hide boot partition in the process of making the same option is available if the symptoms appear.
In these cases, forced to re-create the USB disk. In other words, ultraISO windows7 USB disk when you create a hide boot partition and create uncheck the option.
'IT, 리뷰' 카테고리의 다른 글
解决方法 - “所需的CD / DVD驱动器设备驱动程序丢失。驱动程序软盘,CD,DVD或USB闪存驱动器,您现在可以将其插入。“ (0) | 2014.07.10 |
解決方法 - 「必要なCD/ DVDドライブのデバイスドライバがありません。ドライバのフロッピーディスク、CD、DVD、またはUSBフラッシュドライブがある場合はここで挿入してください。" (0) | 2014.07.10 |
해결방법-“필요한 CD/DVD 드라이브 장치 드라이버가 없습니다. 드라이버 플로피 디스크, CD, DVD 또는 USB 플래시 드라이브가 있으면 지금 넣으십시오.” (0) | 2014.07.10 |
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