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Brazil vs Germany 1-7 Goals & Highlights World Cup 2014

by 통합메일 2014. 7. 9.


Brazilian plane had to go to Germany. 

Brazil is the 9th (the Korea time) Establishment of Brazil Belo Horizonte clear mineral ridge we opened in 2014 Brazil World Cup Stadium against Germany in the semi-finals as a shocking defeat one 7. 

Germany by 2002. Worked at the World Cup final to Brazil at the time of revenge, 24 years after it became a challenge to win. World Cup semi-final, while Germany is the country's first World Cup ever to seven runs scored most runs. 

Game day in Germany was pushed back from the beginning of the fast attack only in the first half and scored five goals. 11 minutes throughout the corner to cross Tony Thomas Muller is a goal since Brazil is rapidly collapsed. Followed by 23 minutes throughout the second goal for Miroslav Klose Most teotteurimyeo World Cup career scoring record (16 goals) is established. 24 minutes after the first half, 26 minutes each with a cross Khedira golssik've added one goal throughout the 29 minutes added. 

The second half resulted in Germany in the late 24 minutes each with 34 minutes golssik Rega sh added. Brazil just before the end of the game, but the Oscars are meaningless rally scoring a goal was scored. 

Its nominee to win in football as a result of one of the most humiliating semi-final finish jitja Brazilian crowd tore the flag burning tears, etc. seemed shocked look. 

Germany, the Netherlands and Argentina in the semi-final winner at 4 am on the 14th coming chireumyeo finals, the team defeated Brazil in the coming 9 days 3, 4, works at the Place.

